Sunday, 8 April 2018

Against the odds

Even though I am really caught up in these car things, even though the more I learn the more I want, the more I know the more I am fascinated by all of it. There is still one section that I scares me as hell – the electronics. My physics in high school wasn’t great and the teacher didn’t excel either. So my current knowledge about automotive electrics is…well, I know there are conductors, insulators and semi-conductors, I know that electrical current depends on electron exchange and I know that there are series, parallel or series-parallel circuits. I know something about computer programming and I suppose ECU in a car works on a same basic principle. But that is not as helpful as it may sound. And that is where my knowledge end.

Every time I tried to read something I didn’t get very far. It makes me want to sream but while I was reading I just didn’t understand a word. You know, my boss keeps telling me that electronics is the best way to go, especially for me as I will never be strong enough to carry out some of the work in mechanics and that the best thing to do is to use my brain instead of the strengh I don’t have and never will. And he is right, not only because what he says is absolutely true but also because every new car model uses more electronics that the previous. What if in thirty years there will be not petrol or diesel cars. What if there will be only hybrids, electronic cars and other alternatively powered vehicles. My knowledge about the internal combustion engines will be simply useless.

So I made the electronics my goal. I don’t care how many attemps I will need, how many books I will need to read before I understand anything. Eventually I will make it because if I can make myself understand it, become an automotive electrician and be good at it, then there is nothing that can really stop me, is there? Because by this I would just achieve something impossible.

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