Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Nika the Car Girl

I became an apprentice about five months ago. Right after I left school to be a mechanic. I studied Mechanical Engineering in university and I stayed exactly one month. The only girl in class with twenty five guys. Sounds good, right? But I was sooooo bored. Don't get me wrong I was interested in the topic but I just hate sitting in the class and listening to the teacher. I just wanted to create something, to fix something not just fill my notebooks with numbers and words all day long. Not that my parents understood (kind of a funny story but lets leave that for another time).

Well, anyway I started to look for an apprenticeship. Wasn't as easy as it sounds. I applied online, I visited this office in the city which was supposed to help young people with finding apprenticeships. Wasn't really enough. The answer was usually 'you don't meet our requirements to become an apprentice'. Yeah, right, I bet what they really meant was 'we don't want a girl in the garage because you will never last anyway'. Maybe not all of them because I didn't know much about cars especially from the practical part but I really wanted to learn. But on my defence I have never got the chance to do the practical things. My dad’s knowledge don’t go further than adding coolant to the maximum and my grandfather bought Renault Megane because it looked nice. So you can imagine why I didn’t have any experience.
Then I got angry, it wasn’t fair that they didn’t want to accept me just because I was not English or a boy. I stopped waiting for the opportunity and just made one for myself. I walked around the garages close by and asked. Oh you should have seen the expression in the faces of some of those mechanics. But then I finally found one where they didn’t care and were in need of an apprentice.
And then Nika the Car Girl started living her dream.

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